So we had, you know, over a period of time, we developed a really incredible collection of hoofstock. And, you know, we built, we built plywood barns and, and bought Cottonwood planks from a saw mill, you know, over 30 miles away and built corrals and, and fences and all to have a place to put them. We had, no, we had no real buildings. The office was an old converted picnic pavilion. And which where we put our first reptile collection in a museum room of that old picnic pavilion. And, you know, we built a freestanding reptile exhibit in the middle of that. So it was, you know, it was, it was at the very, very early stages. And so it was, you know, so that, I mean, the good thing is, is that Columbia, I mean, Omaha, basically for the last, you know, fortunately years, we, we basically have had no politics.