Some were, you know, really active pro-zoo supporters that, you know, that we’ve had over the years. Over the years, we’ve had, we’ve had a lot of reporters that we could sit down and let our hair down with and say, okay, I want to go off the record here and, you know, whatever. And then, then there are, then there have been reporters where you had to keep your sentences to three words and be very, very careful with, you know, because there are, there are reporters that, you know, that, that have illusions of being, you know, Watergate, investigative types. I actually had a reporter leave a running tape recorder running under my desk once. And that was one of the occasions when I banned a reporter from the zoo and, and the, you know, the publisher of the World Herald called up and said, you can’t do that. And I said, well, it’s done. He happened to have been a former board president of the zoo. So he and I, it took us several years to get back on really friendly relations, but I made it stick.