Ed, when I first hired Ed, Ed came aboard, it was not to work with lemurs or tortoises. It was to work with wild cattle, and wild cattle and an antelope and giraffe. That was kind of my focus and interest though, because, you know, I’ve always been interested and fascinated with wild cattle. And Ed was in, in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania working on, on giraffe and antelope and doing the genetics there and looking at some of these enclosed, isolated populations and called up and said, hey, you know, as long as I’m here in Tanzania, you got any objection if I’d slipped over to Madagascar that look at the radiated tortoises and the Ploughshare tortoises, and the graveyard tortoise. And I said, well, why not, sure. Well, he did. And he came back with a fire in his belly. He came back with a passion for what was happening in, in Madagascar, in for the lemurs.