It was (mumbles). If you’ve got, if you’ve got to do genetic management, if you’re going to have, I mean, I, I think I’d maybe just said it, and thought I’d said it earlier. Again, you know, if you’re gonna talk about genetic management, genetic diversity, managing your heterozygosity and preserving heterozygosity, you can’t really manage a pair or two pair of whatever, you need, you need to have numbers. You need to have numbers to actually manage a collection. And nobody really needs 55 gaur, or you know, 13 or 14, you know, Amur tigers. I mean, it just, from a, from a display standpoint, you really don’t need that. But from a management standpoint, from a genetic standpoint, to manage you do. And so, yeah, very early on, we, we really looked at needing to manage and preserve genetic diversity.