But the allied medical community in Omaha is, has been really, really remarkable because we had no facilities, no equipment, nothing in the, in the beginning. And so I kind of went around and made the rounds to the hospitals and the med center and all of that, and all kinds of people stepped forward to help us. And that’s kind of really, you know, really been the case. We have kind of quietly eased animals in the doors of any number of hospitals around Omaha. Only a couple of times, did we have problems. I mean, we had a gorilla in the cath lab at the VA. We, you know, we put a pin in a polar bear’s leg in the, in the necropsies at Clarkson Hospital. I managed to get the head operating room nurse at a children’s hospital fired once because we needed, I need to do a cutdown on a baby gorilla to get a, to put a permanent catheter in because we had a gastrointestinal problem, and our old hospital and nursery had burned down.