And also on a, on a bear project and on some, and on some white tail deer projects. And so he came to the meeting and gave a couple of papers, one on pineal glands in wolves, which is, you know, kind of a primitive gland that probably doesn’t really function anymore in the wolf, and on thyroid function and white tail deer. And as would happen at these meetings, after the formal papers, then we would usually all gather in Clint Grey’s room, who was, you know, director of medicine at the Smithsonian and reasonably gather there. The Smithsonian had enough money, he could rent a suite. We’d all bring our bottle, everybody to have a couple of drinks. Then people would start reaching in their pocket and pull out these pieces of paper and start handing them around and, you know, give us a little clinical data on it on a problem they had, you know, a little clinical case. And you know, the paper go around the room and they’d say, you know, does anybody have any idea what, what this is, what I’m dealing about, whether it’s normal, what. ‘Cause we didn’t know.