You know, we didn’t have a knowledge base of, of what was normal and not normal in exotic animals. And frequently when you pulled a blood sample, it was the very first time for you or maybe the very first time anybody ever had pulled blood on that particular species. And unless you could equate it to, and compare it to, you know, a horse or a cow or pig or a dog or a cat, why then you really didn’t have a benchmark for what was normal, what was not normal. And Ulie wasn’t, you know, wasn’t, Ulie was a biochemist and a hematologist. Ran the laboratories for the veterans hospital in Minneapolis and was on the faculty of, of the University of Minnesota there. And none of us knew him. He, you know, he was a total unknown. He had been working with Dave Mech, as it turns out on wolves, on the Wolf project with Dave Mech.