Well, I think, you know, pick an area that you’ve got some passion for, you know, it’s, if you, you know, if you’ve, if you’ve really got a passion for something, then it’s easy to work the, you know, the 15, 16, 17 hour day that it takes to get something done if you’re just punching a clock and putting in time. So if you, I mean, that’s, and as I said, I, you know, I worry about people that tell me they love animals. And I’d really want to hear somebody tell me, you know, how fascinated they are or what you know, or, or what a neat animal or the problems that need to be solved. But somebody has got a passion for, in a specific area, and is willing to work and put in the time, because I don’t think you can punch a clock and work an eight hour day and ever really accomplish very much. You’ve traveled all over the world. We’ll talk about it later.