He’s a big, impressive animal. These exhibits where you’re up on top, looking down at an elephant, diminishes the elephant. I don’t think the elephant gives a hoot, (chuckling) but if you’re going to look at, you know, if you’re going to look at the biggest land animal in the world, he has to look and feel like the biggest land mammal in the world. And of course, giving them things to do and places, and places to rub and, and a lot of things, you know, where they can. In Leipzig, they’ve got, and, and they’ve got an elephant building there, that new elephant building there in Leipzig Germany. You know, I don’t know if you’ve seen that or not where they, where they, on a wall from one side, it looks like it’s just a big rock wall with some holes in it. On the other side, those holes communicate to a back area where they hang big, heavy polyethylene tubs and barrels so the elephant can stick his trunk through and manipulate the barrel and get treats and goodies, you know, and there’s trunks going through there all the time. And the public can see that side too.