Space wise. Well, I think there’s a, I think there’s another case, you need to give them, number one, elephants don’t need 40 or 50 acres, because if you look at elephants in the wild, in places where there’s good water and good forage. If there’s good water available and good forage available, elephants don’t move very far in 24 hours. If there’s not, then they, you know, they move, they move whatever distance it takes to stay alive in the wild. So you don’t need, you know, you don’t need 40 or 50 acres per elephant. I think you do need, you know, you do need space. Again, I go back to, you can have a lot of space and it can be long and narrow so that the visiting public gets up close and personal with the elephant so that you can actually see the elephant. But you exhibit the elephant on his level or looking up because an elephant is a big animal.