Again, if you’ve got a big, tough male, you don’t go in with him, but female orangs can be worked in with. (mumbles) I think you can do, you can, you can accommodate the orangs. You can, you it’s beneficial to the, to the animals, if you can work in with them so that you don’t have to immobilize them, certainly operative conditioning. And for those that have the facilities and those that spend the time to do hands-free, it can be done. I will admit that it can be done. But I guess I disagree with the mandate that, that all, that all animal should be managed contact free, whether that’s elephants or orangs or gorillas, or, you know, there’s, there’s some things that you don’t have contact with, but I disagree with this totally hands off, you know, contact free concept. Cause I don’t think it’s, I don’t think it’s in the best interest of the animals. And the bottom line is, you know, what we’re really here for is the best interest of the animals.