Well, the one of them was one we just touched on a little bit. I think AZA should take a more active role in representing zoos and defending zoos to both the animal rights people, the PETAs, the HSUSs, and, and to US Fish and Wildlife and, and to the government agencies that, that have made life miserable for a lot of zoos. I think AZA has, because it’s easier to do, to be accommodating and, and, you know, try to be peacemakers, you know, to try to set, to say, well, you know, we’ll, we’ll get everybody down at the table and, and it’ll be kind of kumbaya and, and Walt Disney, you know, everybody will end up as, as friends and buddies. And that’s just not going to happen. I mean, you might be willing to be friends and buddies with them, but they’re not going to ever be your friends or your buddy. So you might as well fight them because, you know, either they’ll, either they cut your tail off an inch at a time until you bleed to death, or you can just go for broke. And I, you know, I think AZA has been much too accommodating as far as defending zoos and representing zoos to and against these other entities, whether they be an animal rights organization or the US government. Another little topic, elephants.