Well, I think, you know, keeping, you know, keeping, keeping the, you know, keeping the zoo story in front of the public as much as you can. You know, even, even little things people are interested in, you know, even even a birth or animal activities or, you know, anything that, anything that has to do with an unusual activity by an animal will, you know, will frequently make a good story. Particularly years and years and years ago, and an old reporter said, you know, if you want to get the front page of a newspaper, you know, there’s three things that’ll get you the front page of a newspaper. Kids, you know, animals or a good fire. (chuckling) And, and if you can mix kids and animals together, you’re absolutely almost guaranteed to get the front page or a, or a, or a good, a good picture. And, you know, even if you, even if you have to kind of manufacture it. There is a very infamous zoo director who’s no longer a zoo director who used to, when things got dull, it was rumored, you know, go dig up an old crate and put an animal in it and announce a new animal being shipped in. (chuckling) But anything that gets you in front of the public, you know, regularly.