Sure. Can you give us– The good thing, the good thing is is that in, in Nebraska and Iowa, right across the river, you know, a bunch of people who, you know, come dressed in carrot suits and talk about not eating meat and things like that, and not raising, not raising animals, farm animals, and doesn’t, you know, they don’t get very much traction. The thing is that, you know, they always come in, they’ve got a cause like elephants or something like that, or elephants or sea lions or, or whales or dolphins, you know, and what’s have to do is you have to go back and do your homework and show that that that’s there because right now when they’re in front of your particular audience, but they’re cause you know, nationwide is that, you know, you can’t raise pigs. You can’t really raise cattle. You can’t raise chickens. You know that you, you know, that you are a, an inhumane sinner if you eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. That puts it, that puts it on the level that the, the voting public can understand, that these guys aren’t simply trying to help old Judy, the elephant, who’s maybe got a little arthritis in one foot. That their real goal is to shut down all zoos, all farms, all ranches.