We’ve had some experience. I guess I’m, you know, I flunked diplomacy and tact. I think you hit them head on and you hit them right straight head on. Absolutely no, none of this being a nice guy or appeasement. You hit them head on and you tell the story right up front and loudly and clearly in your press and your newspaper and your TV station that these number one are not humane, they’re not humane groups. They’re by and large, not, they’re not interested in, in animal welfare. They’re interested in animal rights and they’re mostly interested in, in social engineering and altering the way human beings live so that we’ve all got to be, you know, vegetarians and wear plastic shoes. And that the other thing that’s been really effective is you do your homework and look into their finances because one of the things that you’ll find out, if you look at most of these groups, is these people live very, very well.