Department of Agriculture has always been, as a federal agency, has been pretty benign and, and pretty helpful to zoos. I mean, I don’t really consider Department of Agriculture and their activities to be necessarily detrimental, but, but certainly, certainly interior has been. And, and the fact that sooner or later, somebody was gonna try to accredit. And so to the AZA’s credit, to AZA’s credit, they . stepped up, you know, developed and instituted an accreditation program, which I think is by and large taken a lot, you know, a huge amount of heat off of the zoo world. So that’s a good thing, even though it is, you know, very rigorous. I think, you know, meeting accreditation standards is good, necessary for zoos, is good. It also sets some standards that that gives zoos and zoo directors the, you know, the leverage to improve.