Yeah, well, in part, I think that is because as I say, you know, if I had say been lucky enough to get the job in St. Louis, it was very little chance I would have ever risen to the point of being a, you know, being a director of the zoo. If you look, if you look at the history of St. Louis, because it’s bureaucratic departmentalized. I mean it’s nothing against St. Louis. That’s just the way it is. I think, I think that helped me. The thing that helped me is, is number one, I started out, you know, by happenstance and because I had no other choice as far as finding a job in the zoo world as a, as a, you know, as a mammals curator and then kind of worked my in the, in the process of both being a veterinarian and an assistant director worked in every department in the zoo. But then I also started out as a, you know, in a very small zoo and, and worked my way up. Whereas I think a lot of, you know, a lot of guys coming out of school, or gals and, you know, coming out of school who get a job as a quote unquote zoo veterinarian are, are basically departmentalized and never get to have, you know, get the experience to actually see or do the whole thing.