You know, you spread out a bed of sand and plant tomato seeds and wet it down and put a plastic cover over. If the tomato seeds sprout and grow good, well, that’s good sand. But we also send it to the lab. We finally found a quarry that didn’t have any arsenic or any heavy metals. It did have borates in it, but borates are very soluble. You can wash the borates out of it, although it nearly bit us in the rump because we had, we ordered two, 100 ton gondola cars full of red sand out of Arizona and specified specifically that it had to be washed and washed, and washed well to get all the borates out of it. And they did exactly what we wanted. What we weren’t thinking about was that they, they shipped it to us the first part of February and got put on a siting at about 7,000 feet in Wyoming.