And so you got, you got a wide experience. At one time, I was mammals curator, staff veterinarian, assistant director, and acting curator of the aquarium all at the same time, because Columbus was kind of in turmoil in those days. Great experience. Great, great, great experience because you got to do a bit of everything, you know. You got exposed to all kinds of things. And the only, you know, the only thing I didn’t, you know, kind of have, have a hand in, except that I did, was reptiles because Lou Pistoia was the reptile curator and Lou, in my opinion, still yet today, was one of the really great reptile guys. I mean, he had a, he had a track record for breeding snakes and for husbandry and managing snakes that I think still yet today, hardly anybody can match. Lou was, you know, totally focused on reptiles.