No. Because there’s more that needs to be done than we can possibly do. I guess the thing about zoos is, is that I think we get a lot more bang for our buck that a dollar at that is much more productive is much better spent if it’s being spent by a zoo, as opposed to a governmental grant that goes to another government that is focused or World Bank grant that is focused on, on some in situ conservation problem. You know, we, we were a part of the, of the Sumatran tiger program, you know, in the Southern tip of Sumatra for quite a number of years with Ron Tilson. And the World Bank kicked in $60 million to that program. $60 million that went to the government of Indonesia for conservation. And Ron said, you know, if, if every dollar was a raindrop, you couldn’t even settle the dust. Said the guys on the ground that were actually doing the work never even got a rain coat or a pup tent out of that.