Well, I think, there’s never enough, on the one hand, There are, there are, there certainly are zoos that have constraints in that if you have a board that pays close attention to and/or, and/or dictates what you can and can’t do, you know, there’s a, there’s an old cliche about all politics are local and all giving is local. And that goes in both directions. That it’s really true, but it goes in both directions. There are zoos that simply could not support spending money and sending staff overseas to an in situ project. Many, some of them get around that by, you know, being collaborative and in spending, you know, in sending money to zoos that don’t have those restraints, as far as actually, you know, we got, we got 19 full-time employees and 32 or 33 graduate students in Madagascar right now today. There was a lot of places that simply couldn’t do that. In fact, if you’d asked half of our board, they’d wrinkle their nose.