Well, I, no, I would agree with that. It’s not that I’ve got anything against PhDs. I don’t. You know, I mean, along the way I picked up about three of them myself, but you know, honorary. And we’ve got, you know, we’ve got on our, in our, in our conservation research staff now, you know, we’ve got seven PhD level people. But I think you’d have to start out, now Ed Liz is a prime example, who started out working, you know, in a Seaquarium in Texas, worked in the Brownsville Zoo, you know, went through and got a degree in veterinary medicine and had a degree in cellular genetics concurrently, is one of the people that I said, you know, would be out sweating on building a fence or doing whatever was necessary, came up as, as a keeper and the animal, as, you know, as a animal management type first. I think if you’ve never had your hands on and never touched or never, never managed the animals and don’t have that personal connection with the animals, it’s not good, frankly. It’s not good for the institution.