One of the things that I think, you know, because as we developed and we came along, we’ve taken a lot of students and maybe we touch on that and then a little bit later on, but you know, we’ve taken a lot of over the years, a lot of veterinary interns in, and preceptors and all. One of the things that we have done with every single one, even though you’ve got somebody who’s either about to have a veterinary degree or has a veterinary, you know, has a veterinary degree, is a graduate veterinarian, is that they don’t come in and start practicing medicine right away. We’ve had a policy over the years and we’ve done this with not just veterinary interns, but with a number of interns, where we start them out in the collection. And they work on the crew in every single department in, in hoofstock and elephants, great apes, all the way through. They work shoveling and scrubbing cages. And they work as a, on the crew, work all the way through the whole collection before they then come in and actually start practicing medicine or doing whatever it is that their specialty is. By the time they’ve worked their way through the zoo, number one, they know most of the animals, they know all the keepers, they know all the supervisors and vice versa. They all know them.