And we still got a lot of that, you know, that character that, you know, that, that philosophy within the, within the organization, a lot of things that we’ve done over the years, building our own buildings, we also had trouble spelling permit. So there was a fair number of things that got built without permits, which I’m sure you couldn’t get away with in Chicago. (chuckling) Do you feel that being a veterinarian when you first started that that, that background helped you to develop changes in animal care– Oh, absolutely, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely. Because it is, you know, because it is a very broad discipline. And as I said, you know, and not only, not only, you know, not only the medical aspects of it, but you get a good exposure to nutrition, to basic animal husbandry and hygiene and preventative medicine, you know, to, you know, to, to genetics, to a lot of things that if you had a discrete discipline like herpetology or, or a biology degree or something, you wouldn’t be exposed to that. So I think, you know, from the standpoint of a, of a discipline from which to kind of attack the problems of the zoo world, the veterinary medicine was the very best.