Yes, unique animal, tremendously popular. They are a such a large animal that unless you’re able to provide them a really large exhibit would probably be best left away from our collections. What’s too large, what’s too small is up to anybody’s opinion. I guess. Again, there’s USDA regulations that you must provide this depth, this size, this volume of water. I think the public perception, and probably more so now than when I was working, is such that you shouldn’t have these animals here. But then again, I watch that’s been to SeaWorld numerous times, how much people love seeing these animals, how much they love being splaShedd by these animals. I think I would never say no, I would never say no to bringing these animals into an adequately sized exhibit, but you gotta have the resources, the filtration alone would be tremendously expensive. The diet, I mean these guys, those that are what they call resident orcas are eating salmon, whole big, whole salmon.