I don’t think that we would ever have the collection that we have at chat aquaquarium without working with dealers. Many of those individuals have sought and some have attained, I not sure what the proper term is now. It used to be a commercial affiliate of a ZA. The bottom line is they get the a ZA stamp of approval because of their methods of collecting and methods of holding and transport and everything. So it’s in our best interest to work with those individuals and make sure that they’re doing things the way that we would want them done. In the old days, and I saw this in the Philippines one time on a trip in, we were working with New England Aquarium, people would dynamite reefs, which would stun fishes. A lot of times this was done just for food fish. But other times it, you know, obviously dynamite underwater is pretty percussive stun the animals and hope you get a few live ones that’ll survive, that you can sell to the aquarium trade.