Yeah, I think that the big challenge is, you know, succession planning. You know, if an individual, you know, an individual can have an infinite amount of money, and, and if there aren’t, if he or she doesn’t build a group around them that have a similar passion that are gonna wind up being responsible for or inheriting their money, it could all just go away. And, and I’ve seen that there was a fellow that started a, a big, very forward thinking ranch out in Colorado, and we exchanged animals with him when I was doing my residency. And he had some spectacular ideas, some really forward thinking management techniques. And I think that whole, you know, when he died, that whole thing just sort of evaporated. So it, it really depends. A a you know, there isn’t, there isn’t anybody alive today that was around when Brookfield Zoo started. So there has to be, you know, if it, if it’s dependent, well, I, I guess to survive the length of time that a municipal zoo needs to survive, it can’t depend on one person.