I think the advice, we’ve, we’ve talked a little bit about, you know, how we make decisions and collaborations and all that stuff. But there are times when you, you wish to take a particular course and the curator or another animal manager want to do something else. And you know, you, you wind up jockeying for position or lobbying or talking to the supervisor. And the, the advice that I got from my mentor and my residency Bill Beaver, was that you’re in it, you’re in it for the long haul. And, and, and if you want to do this particular thing with bird management and, and you pull out all the stops and you know, you do whatever it takes to, to win the day on your particular argument. He said, you can, you can win the battle and lose the war. And, and what he was trying to say was, you at, at the end of the day, you need to get along with these people over the long haul. And so you need to, you need to collaborate rather than trying to get your way.