I, I’m tempted to say the gluttons for punishment, but no, I think it, it, it comes, it comes down to your experience. You know, I think it’s what has, you know, if, if part of what has, if part of what has encouraged you to be a veterinarian is experience, particularly to zoo animals or wildlife, I think that can, you know, lead folks into the field. In, in my, in my case, I was, you know, I, I wasn’t one of those people that said, you know, from when I was eight years old, I wanted to be a zoo veterinarian. ’cause I heard about what zoo veterinarians did and, and thought that’s what I wanted to do. I I got interested in the field of medicine, volunteering at a hospital with some friends when I was in high school. And, and we had always had animals. My brothers brought wildlife home and we had, you know, raise the robin and the snake and the squirrel and all, all that sort of thing. So I, I had an interest in animals and the interest in medicine.