And so I pulled the truck kind of across, closing that triangle and darted him and then backed off and just waited for him to go to sleep. He walked up on top of the Crown Field Center in the middle of the, the zoo scared the whatever out of the Japanese Maccas that had never seen a gorilla before, certainly not up close. And while I was waiting for him to go to sleep, saw the zoo photographer standing in the doorway and motioned her to come up and hop in the back of the truck so she could document some of this. And she got some pictures of him sort of precariously sitting on the edge of the building. And he was still doing that like a floor and a half up above the sidewalk when he started going to sleep and teetering. And I was worried that it was gonna come down and impale himself on the little posts that were on that along the edge of the sidewalk. And our little vet truck, pickup truck could fit just barely down the sidewalk in between those and I, so I pulled down and put the front end of the truck underneath him. So if he tumbled off the building, he was gonna kind of ricochet off the hood and not fall fully on the, on those little posts.