And even some things that turned out to be disaster management, it had a giraffe procedure that didn’t go well and wound up having to euthanize the giraffe. I had all those experiences and I had met George multiple times throughout that time and prior to my immediate predecessor getting hired, they had had some difficulties hiring on a new veterinarian and had some challenges in terms of communicating and essentially developed a reputation such that they put out an ad for veterinary position and nobody applied because zoo veterinarians, a relatively small field word, had gotten out about some challenges between veterinarians and others. And so their solution was to put together a search team. And George knew, George knew a handful of veterinary zoo veterinarians. Well, I was one that he knew from my time coming out for procedures. Dr. Wilber Amond, who was a director, assistant director at the Philadelphia Zoo, and Dr. Bonnie Rayfield, who was the veterinary advisor for the Oppy SSP George was the SSP coordinator for a copy and knew Dr. Bonnie very well through that.