And it really made a huge, huge advancement in the way you manage a collection. With great apes, before you’d have to try to train them to come up and get to you. But half the time you couldn’t do that, you had to get them into a squeeze cage if he could, which was really traumatic on them. And even with the capture gun, I mean, I can remember, the vet would come down in a great ape house and it would be pandemonium because they knew why they were coming in there. They were gonna get darted, one of them was gonna get darted. But it certainly made the vet’s job and the keepers’ job a lot easier. However, in the process of that, I think the present day keeper for the most part has lost the ability to lasso an animal, to catch an animal and hold it in the right way. And I could be wrong, but I mean, because at least at national, once that animal was deemed in need of treatment, the vet pretty much took over and the keepers kinda stood by and helped him when necessary.