I’d have to say Reed, obviously, Bill Conway, I mean, I’d go up the Bronx and I would just be amazed at what he did with that zoo, not only the exhibits, but the collection. I mean, Lincoln Park. Lincoln Park, I kind of looked at it as my favorite zoo both because it was a really neat zoo, but that the curatorial staff up there, we just really clicked. And in fact, we used to play a lot of practical jokes on you guys, but San Diego, although I always thought San Diego, it was overblown as far as how it was portrayed by Joan Embery. And I mean, it was the great San Diego zoo, and it was, but I wasn’t really impressed with a lot of the exhibits that were there. Brookfield was a good zoo, St. Louis, I liked, Sonora Desert Museum, right on, small, but I mean what they did was really a class exhibits. I’ve always sang the praises of Singapore. And I still think the Singapore Zoo is probably easily in the top tens zoos in the world.