And I said, but I don’t think you should hire him. I really don’t, there’s some good quantified people. And ED Gould said, “Well, if that’s what she wants to do, then it’s her decision.” And I don’t know, I mean, I just basically lost it because I took my fist and I slammed it down on the table. It scared everybody in the room. And I said the Bess, I said, “Okay, you hire him, go ahead.” I said, “But don’t you ever call me and tell me that you wanna transfer him down to my operation ’cause that’s not gonna happen.” And a year later they ended up having to fire him, but my wife tells me I’m intimidating and maybe I am. But I worked for a long time down there. I worked with a lot of different personalities, and I think I did a relatively good job because other than the one time with Eisenberg where I got shoved into a corner, I did pretty good.