So it had to be sort of fat covered so it would float. And at the time, BP were producing a lot of new fish foods, which would actually float. And they also produced a floating poultry diet as well. So by combining the idea of a small pellet that would float, but containing what, what we then used was probably a poultry nutrition formula. ’cause we didn’t know any better, but we put into that formula asan thin cancer, you know, all the component pigments of feather coloring. And, and that worked extremely well. And from there we went to producing what to be looking at. Now, probably the seven, this is the seventies and early eighties with BP Nutrition, a whole range of carnivore diets of herbivore diets as knowledge became more available, diets that were suitable for browsing, ungulates diets for grazing, you know, but they were probably in the end, 10 or 15 of these.