And so I turn up one afternoon with equipment ready to immobilize the, we were gonna start with the male lines of two or three male lines with claws, you know, like this. And, and in front of the cage was, oh, I’ve got a ro 10 rows of seats. And the me, you know, akram, the, the times if you, the New York Times of Cairo, the of Egypt was there with, and the TV units and everything else. And the Minister of Agriculture had apparently requested various, various sort of high ups within the Egyptian government to appear for this show. So the show was going to be immobilizing the lion and cutting its toenails and doing a few other things to it. Either one lion or more lion, whatev whatever we came. So this, so this sort of arra arra must have been 50 people sitting on this bit of grass in front of this lion’s cage waiting for this demonstration, which we, which we duly gave them. And the, and I think there must have been several sort of cabinet minister level people there.