But the Brook, as I said, the Brook, the Brook was extremely valuable in getting into the welfare network. But what happened then was that I was asked after cutting the giraffes, toenails and a few other things, story in its own right. I was asked to join the then board, it was a, called a committee in London, which was largely Dorothy Brooks Children and Friends. And I was the first non friend or child to get involved with the Brook, ultimately chaired it for nearly 20 years. And then when I came over to the US founded Brook USA, which is now a, a thriving individual charity, but again, bit like while welfare is part of the Brook family. So yes, I’ve been, been involved and have actually won major awards for equine welfare, which, which amuse me for the founding of Brook USA, which rather amuse me. ’cause my own experience of riding horses has been pretty disastrous over the, over the years. So, and again, that’s another story.