And she bought the whole lot in the end over three year period. And then with money left over, founded this clinic, the Brook Hospital for Animals. And that, at the time that I was involved with them, was still, you know, it was quite a, quite a, a major hospital by Egyptian standards. And it was then that they, and they were getting complaints from people, mostly foreign visitors about the zoo in Cairo, about how dreadful the zoo was and all the sort of conditions that were, and, and a lot of that was, you know, the usual things, long hooves and no sort of per, you know, individual animal management. So that’s how I got involved with the, with, with the Brook. And the connection between the brook was, was simply a connection with, with the Giza Zoo. And, and I, I’ve maintained that connection. I still, we’re still trying to do work with the Giza Zoo now through wild welfare.