A lot, but not, I mean, I’m, I’m very much in touch with the folks. I’ve senior staff and my, you know, my successor and I are very close and we meet frequently to talk about how things are going. So in terms of my involvement with the, with the North Carolina doing nothing formal, but a lot, a lot of informal connection. But I, my connection with the zoo community now is, is almost entirely through wild welfare that I founded back in 2012. And, and as I said earlier, that the purpose of that was to try to bring, mainly to try to bring the res, what I would call the responsible zoo, the responsible welfare community, more in touch with the responsible zoo community and to try and get them talking more to each other and to try and get them working more on joint projects together. One of the reasons that I, I mean I’ve, me, I’ve mentioned how while welfare got formed, because the was a, in particular was not keen at that time. It’s not keen, I’m not, it just, it wasn’t a high priority for them to have a welfare, you know, a welfare department. And so I, and certainly two other people, one, one actually was working at the time in one of the main welfare organizations in London, and the other was Dave Morgan, who for 10 years at the time had been the director of the Pan-African Zoo Association.