Very, and I wasn’t terribly good at it, I think, I think partly because I had so many other involvements and so many sort of networks in the local community that I was sort of juggling. But it is really, really critical I think in North Carolina, because we had 2000 acres, mind you, you know, so 600 acres of that is, is the public area, but it’s still a big area. It’s certainly a big area to walk around. London, I did a lot more of that because you, you know, you only had less than 40 acres to get around. But the relationship between the director and staff at all levels, and this is, you know, we’re going back again to what, what are some of the skills of, of any, any, any senior manager is dealing with, dealing with people, staff at a, a whole range of different levels. So folks who are practically, I won’t say uneducated, but have a very level, very low pace of educational write up to your PhDs requires a level of skill which needs certain things that are different for those different groups. So what, moving around, talking to them about what they feel, getting their opinion from all those levels, not just the top management is really quite critical. Or you have to make sure that that top management is getting those opinions for you, but there’s no substitute in the end for, for, for walking.