So, ’cause often these lodges of course may be managed locally, but they’re often financed and run by somebody else. And that may link back to somebody outside Africa who has a financial interest. So the, the key now in African tourism is to find the places which have not been overrun by tourism and to build, build in for not necessarily highly sophisticated facilities, but facilities that actually can be run and benefited from a local audience. So a lot of it, a lot of it’s going on now is training, just training local people in, starting up their own tourism enterprises. But yeah, absolutely essential to rural economies in Africa. You have mentioned this word before, I’m gonna take a leap here. Tell me about the wow impact in exhibit design and how you try and achieve that. Well, as you, as you know, well, I mean I, and certainly when I started 50 odd years ago in the zoo world, the, it was okay to keep big cats in cages, concrete and metal.