One of the challenges now is that the supply in African tourism is not keeping up with the demand. So whereas when I’ve been taking groups to Africa now for, oh gosh, 40 years probably, or certainly all the time I was in north, in North Carolina, the North Carolina Zoo. And the thing that that I’ve really noticed is whereas 30 years ago you could make a booking for six months in advance to, you know, to go almost anywhere. Now it’s a two year booking. You, you, you cannot get into some of these places now. And it’s the reason, the problem is that 30 years ago we never saw Chinese Indian, Southeast Asians coming on safari today. They are. And so, and many of them very wealthy and well able to pay the enormously increased fees that getting into some of these tourist camps have. And so because there’s a limit to how many of these facilities you could build, one of the, one of the things that’s happening right now, and my bought one, you know, one of my sons is doing just this, is finding areas in places like Uganda, which have not been involved in the tourist industry, but are well capable of supporting it, but doing it deliberately with the local people, not through often several middle people.