I think it’s a, there’s a nervousness about the financial aspects of it. There’s a nervousness often about the people you are dealing with. I mean, I’ve, I’ve had several instances over the years where you’re dealing with pretty corrupt people at the other end, again, again, I’m talking about helping mostly underdeveloped countries. So, you know, there’s a weariness I think about moving into a partnership where you don’t know that partner particularly well. In some instances you don’t have the skills that they really need. And we, I’ve seen many situations where folks put the wrong people and the wrong skills into a partnership thinking, you know, they’re thinking that’s what they want, but actually they want something and need something quite different. So there, there are a lot of aspects of that that make, you know, make a zoo direct a bit, a bit wary. And again, it comes back before getting involved in these sort of projects.