Are they anything other than sort of egotistical, you know, I, I have such and such a collection and that’s, that’s why I have it. But if their, if their objectives with that collection are aligned with the public zoo, the, you know, the best of the public zoos, then they will survive and they will, as many are, they will become partners. But then the other problem is, as, as you are, as you are suggesting is that as change fads. So I’ve seen several situations where you have a wealthy person taking on animals and then 10 years later they’re into art or they’re into boats or so there’s something else which has taken their fancy and the zoo is no longer of any interest to them. And that becomes, that becomes a big problem. I’ve seen that two or three times. So it’s, you know, it’s really a question of what is their ultimate purpose and if they go, or if they lose interest or they die. And you know, what then is the sustainability of that collection and, and often how do you deal with that collection if indeed it’s, it’s not gonna remain intact.