The question of euthanizing surplus animals that cannot be part of the breeding community is an ethical one. It’s not a welfare one. As, as a veterinarian, I don’t have any problem with putting animals down, even healthy animals if it’s done properly and humanely, yes, it’s an ethical issue. Personally I don’t like it. But I think if one, if one is serious about managing captive populations, there is a limit to the space that you have. And therefore you’ve, you, you’ve, there have to be bad, you know, difficult decisions from time to time. But the, but the whole question comes down to is it is the welfare of that animal under consideration. And as long as it is, as long as it is, then personally I don’t have any issue with, with animals being, if they can’t be found a decent home, I mean this, this is the problem with the criticism of this, that then folks say, oh, no animal should be put down.