’cause we, you know, we, we not so meant much at the moment, but we had a very good guy in the marketing department who was a very good presenter. And so he and I and other staff used to do, you know, regular TV programs talking about what we were doing, lot of stuff going out to the, the, the press, the pub, the pub, you know, the published press. So a lot of upfronts that we weren’t constantly, you know, on our back heels being bombarded and having to defend us. So the, the certainly the, the relationship with, with, with the press for the, for our zoo North Carolina is, is very good. And of course with what’s going on now with all the redevelopment going on, you know, a lot of, creating a lot of excitement in the media. So it’s, it’s a very different picture to what I started out with, you know, 30, 40 years ago.