Yeah, I think so for the most part. I mean, you got Antarctic and the Arctic and yeah, you can say those are limitless spaces, but you know, having been to Africa as many times as I have and around, it’s like, nope, they’re just big, big, big managed pieces of land. There’s a fence somewhere, you know, there’s a fence somewhere. And that’s why when these arguments surface, especially from the animal rights community about, oh, they all need to go back to the wild. I said there is no wild, you’re just kidding yourself. Yeah, maybe 150,000 acres, that’s a lot of land. But it’s not the wild, you know, especially when you talk about species that migrate, wildebeest being one of those, they run into fences and they’re gonna continue to run into fences forever because those lands are divided up somewhere and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s the way it is.