I think, well, two things. One, before my career was the advent of new exhibitry, open exhibits. I think that was a significant change for zoos to. But I think on just as significant, but maybe smaller scope, was the whole elephant situation where, you know, threats of no longer zoos being allowed to house elephants because they couldn’t treat ’em properly. I think that whole change in training is phenomenal and hopefully, is now, you know, behind us, those are two big ones in my book. And I think veterinary medicine, from the days of taking borrowed equipment from hospitals after they were done with it, human hospitals to now having an entire industry that supports them is just incredible. I mean, you talk about providing quality care, holy cow, it doesn’t get much better than that. I mean, having outfitted a hospital with new equipment, and to see what’s available, and the technology that keeps improving, it’s like, wow, you know, it’s 20, 25 years ago.