Yeah, it’s a very good question. I will always fall to the animal side because that’s what I think, that’s what zoos are. It’s about animals. And not saying the business people aren’t important but that’s a profession that to me, the skillset comes from a different realm, I guess, for lack of a better word. One that can be replicated and repeated easily and often. Now, a business person might argue that with me at this point, but the animal side has some real important intrinsic issues that only experience is gonna bring to the table. So, you know, whether it be a manatee issue, whether it be an elephant issue or a primate issue, without some scientific background to work through those issues, I think it just makes it harder on the person who’s not the animal person. It doesn’t make it impossible, just makes it very hard because whether it be the interview natural response isn’t there because they’ve never experienced it.