You know, it’s just not providing the animal with the welfare that we thought it was going to. And you need to be able to, you know, look at those, make adjustments, and move forward, that you’re always looking at that. So they’ve developed, and I think this is now pretty much a standard requirement, a spreadsheet of animals with welfare issues and the evaluation and scoring on all that. And I know in discussions that I had when I was an active employee at ZooTampa, had to go back and re-look at some of these scorings, they weren’t accurate, it wasn’t delivering what we want. But never took an animal off the list just because the score wasn’t right, we looked at that and reevaluated it. So it really caused staff to kind of sit back a little bit and go, wait a minute, you know, maybe this isn’t the best. I mean there’s a screech owl who due to medical limitations, nobody’s fault, had a hard time perching.